BIN RAT!!! a fun, feral, family comedy Touring outdoors spring/summer 2025
A rat-astic and realistic look into refuse and recycling. Rummage through the rubble with Bin Rat and her friends Mike and Angela from Squeaky Clean Street Cleaners to discover where all the junk goes! Scrape scraps off the streets and find out what literally happens to litter in this fun, feral, family show. Bin Rat is an outdoor interactive theatre & puppetry show that explores our relationship with our waste and where it goes, and asks the question: is tidiness really the answer? Bin Rat is returning in full show form to tour spring/summer/autumn 2025 Walkabout show developed in 2024
Creative team Devised by the company Gwen Scott -Direction Tiff Woodsmith - Writer / Dramaturg Tristan Green - Performer & deviser Lucy Harrington- Performer & deviser Philippa Hambly - Performer & deviser Sidney Robb - Assistant direction Laura McEwen - Design Aisha Ali - Composition Lucy Thynne - Choreography Made with production support from Kate Raw & Martin Campbell
Supported by Arts Council England, Pound Arts, the Wallace Curzon Charitable Trust and the Joyce Fletcher Charitable Trust.